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 Rep: 194 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

tejastech08 wrote:

Yes, I will admit that Catcher is nowhere near as bad as I thought it was the first time I heard the final mix. It's overproduced out the ass, but it's still a pretty good song. I do wish May's solo was left in the song, but otherwise I am nowhere near as bothered by the first part of the song as I was when I heard the final mix for the first time. The extra guitars at the very beginning put a bad taste in my mouth. They sounded like filler crap compared to the original but I've gotten used to it now.

Shackler's is by far the worst song on the album. My opinion of it goes down as the days go by. It shouldn't have been included.

 Rep: 768 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

Axlin16 wrote:

None of the album has grown on me....

I've thought it was a masterpiece from day one, although I do still think Scraped & Riad are among the weaker tracks on the album.

 Rep: 1 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

Axlative wrote:

Shackler & Riad definitely. I used to think they're the worst of the lot but now they're reaching pole position in my rankings. Scraped is getting there too.

 Rep: 287 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

Aussie wrote:

Catcher has really grown on me and has been playing in quite heavy rotation in my car.  I agree there is something still "not quite right" but I can't put my finger on it.  Regardless as somone else said I think the song is pretty strong so it's still sounds good.

I always liked ITW, and I like this new version better.  Although just before the solo where there is the tinny sounding drums - there used to be a guitar over the top but it's barely audible now.  I kinda liked hearing that in the old version, but aside from that I prefer the new one.

 Rep: 633 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 2 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

bloodyhell81 wrote:

shacklers, has really grown on me, the guitar playing is crazy.

 Rep: 268 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

Olorin wrote:

Honestly I'm cooling towards all of them. I think there are about 3 songs that I get an urge to play, IRS, Madagascar and Riad.

Scraped is ok I guess, mabye thats the grower (but I always found it ok anway)

I'm tucking the album away for a while, I'll next play it when I'm drunk on Christmas day and see how if the absence breaths a little more life into it.
Its become a bit of a chore trying to listen to it, telling myself that I should be gratefull to the lord and all things for the privilage of owning it...yawn.

Its got some hefty competition on Christmas Day though. Every year after dinner I pop open a bottle of whisky, throw on the Ritz88 dvd, after that I load up UYI 1 and 2 and blast them.
Its awesome, its the only day of the year I can crank up my music and get merrily drunk without anybody breaking my balls for doing so.

 Rep: 217 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

Mikkamakka wrote:

Scraped. I hated it for the first few listens, but now I think it's in the better half of the album. Nothing special, but a fun song.

 Rep: 485 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

Neemo wrote:

i just listen to the whole album straight through, its pretty solid...the one surprise that i think that some of you older members around here might get is that I'm really digging catcher....that used to me my least favorite track of the leaks

 Rep: 4 

Re: What song(s) have grown on you the most?

GNRBABY wrote:

I'm OBSESSED with Shackler's Revenge since I got CD, and didn't care for the Guitar Hero leak when I heard it. Also, Scraped has grown on me.

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