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 Rep: 59 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

jorge76 wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

This is the point where Slash, Duff, Izzy, and Matt would have taken the reigns and promoted the living hell out of this. Just like they did with UYI. Axl did not promote that album. Most of the media attention regarding him was in the build up to UYI. When crunch time hit, the band members stepped up to the plate.

You know, I hadn't really thought about that until you said it, but you're right.  If I think back to 1991 it was Slash and Duff who were on Mtv all the time.  If it was Axl it was just a taped interview with Kurt Loder.  (As a friend of mine has said for years "Kurt Loder sucks Axl's dick better than anyone, and I don't mean that as a gay joke, Kurt Loder sucks Madonna's dick too".)

Point is, Axl was usually in a room with Loder and a cameraman, but Slash and Duff were anywhere people would let them go.  Even if you watch the special intro to their own Pay per view, which sounds like it was largely Axl's idea.  It's in-depth/entertaining inverviews with Slash, Duff, and Gilby, but if I remember right you never even see Axl.

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

please tell us Swami? I fear Axl goes away........way away.

 Rep: 21 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

I think Axl is holding a grudge against UMG and burying this album so he can start over on his own. Just my pet theory. CD balanced the books, now he has a clean slate to put the pieces back together.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

please tell us Swami? I fear Axl goes away........way away.

IF a reunion doesn't happen within a couple years, here's my prediction....

No videos
No tour
Tommy leaves
CD gets re-released next year with a few bonus tracks
We start to hear rumblings of a second album to keep the hardcore base interested

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Bono wrote:

I had a friend who's a huge music fan and has no agenda either way listen to it on Thursday night. his reaction was that it ranged from Awesome to absolutely terrile but for the most part he felt it was a below average album. Even said Better sounded as lame as something off a Nickleback album. He thought This I Love was amazing and really liked TWAT, said Axl sounded good(too my surprise) on The Blues but called the song "lame as fuck".  I honestly believe that's the typical reaction most people will have. It's a below aerage album.  Nobody wants to buy an album when the word of mouth is far from flattering. Sorry guys but there comes a time when you'll have to admit the music has done the talking as far as the public is concerend.  Big names like Gn'R do't fail to sell unless the music subpar or if people legitimately have no interest in a Slashless Gn'R.  I think it's a strong combination of both. The public has spoken and nothng saves this album now. Enjoy it for yourselves cause that's all there is.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Bono wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Del knows Slash coming back lowers his position in the pecking order.  Right now, it's all about the hanger-ons trying to protect their position as long as they can.

I totally agree. The old band represnst some sort of normalcy. Axl needs real people in his life again instead of all these fucking yes men and hanger on types. He needs people who will tell him to shut the fuck up.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

The problem with the "shut the fuck up" concept, is Axl is still Axl. He's just Axl with alot more power than he had in 1990 when the Illusions were in production.

Axl's going to need someone like an Azoff, who can negotiate, and play to his ego, pamper him and make him happy (like David Lee Roth).

If a reunion happens, don't be shocked if the Tour Rider is similar to VH's (Mr. Rose's room is to be as far away from the other band as possible).

 Rep: 287 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Aussie wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

The problem with the "shut the fuck up" concept, is Axl is still Axl. He's just Axl with alot more power than he had in 1990 when the Illusions were in production.

Axl's going to need someone like an Azoff, who can negotiate, and play to his ego, pamper him and make him happy (like David Lee Roth).

If a reunion happens, don't be shocked if the Tour Rider is similar to VH's (Mr. Rose's room is to be as far away from the other band as possible).

The problem I see with Azoff is that he appears to be purely there for the $$'s.   He doesn't appear to care less about artistic integrity or the music.  That this album has been released with such a limp wristed effort and is still apparently not how Axl wanted it, has damaged both Axl and to a lesser extent the GN'R name (I know some people will say Axl has manged to do plenty of damage to the GN'R name all by himself).  But this release campaign has done nothing to improve eithers image.

Some would argue this is exactly what Azoff wanted - to ensure the album flops as quickly as possible to hasten a reunion and his mega payday.

So what's wrong with that if he manages to pull the reunion off??  Well for me, the interest in a reunion comes with the expectation of new music.  If it's just a reunion for purely $$'s where the "personalities" are being managed with this guy in his own dressing room and that guy flying separate to everyone else and nobody talking to each other except when onstage, I really don't have much interest in it.  But if they get back together with the view of writing new music (like a real band) with some of that original chemistry and passion, then that is of much more interest to me. 

Sadly I see Azoff driving this towards a reunion goal of wringing as much $$'s out of this thing before it crashes and burns, rather than returning the GN'R name to the top by wringing as many new kickass tunes out of them as possible!  He prefers the sound of the cash register to the sound of the artist and creativity.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
Bono wrote:

I had a friend who's a huge music fan and has no agenda either way listen to it on Thursday night. his reaction was that it ranged from Awesome to absolutely terrile but for the most part he felt it was a below average album. Even said Better sounded as lame as something off a Nickleback album. He thought This I Love was amazing and really liked TWAT, said Axl sounded good(too my surprise) on The Blues but called the song "lame as fuck".  I honestly believe that's the typical reaction most people will have. It's a below aerage album.  Nobody wants to buy an album when the word of mouth is far from flattering. Sorry guys but there comes a time when you'll have to admit the music has done the talking as far as the public is concerend.  Big names like Gn'R do't fail to sell unless the music subpar or if people legitimately have no interest in a Slashless Gn'R.  I think it's a strong combination of both. The public has spoken and nothng saves this album now. Enjoy it for yourselves cause that's all there is.

Every single one of my friends plus my guitar teacher say the same thing..  They may note Axl hitting a high note, or a cool guitar fill, but for the most part they hate it.......  I find they are more objective than me because though they are fans, they aren't crazy like me.  They just don't like it.  Part of me thinks I am supposed to like it, but in the end, I find myself agreeing with them.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Mikkamakka wrote:

To tell the truth, as much as I am a fan of the old line-up(s), I don't see a reunion happening or turning out for good. If Axl can kill his own album then what can we expect when he'd tour with Slash, Duff and Izzy? Granted, on a tour a lot of things turn out differently how Axl wants it. His beef isn't ready in time, or the big egos crash. Sorry, I think Axl is not interested in a reunion and he will not be in the foreseeable future. Neither Slash, as I see it. It'd take months or years of negotiations between the camps and we all know hos often Axl will not appear for whatever reasons. The others would nix it, even if they're into in the beginning. I really don't seem them working together again, the guys are like in a different universe. It'd need a miracle to happen.

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