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Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Sky Dog wrote:
D-Machine wrote:

Also what sucks is, what is this gonna sell next week? 30k? It may barely beat Libertad. That is just unfathomable.

keep going....anything else?

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Neemo wrote:
madagas wrote:

The alleged "no censor" board is just an argument or bitch fest between 5 people or the utter ridiculous state of something like HTGTH.

I hear ya...the blinders are on

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

people have lost their minds's not even remotely fun or entertaining anymore.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Neemo wrote:
madagas wrote:

people have lost their minds's not even remotely fun or entertaining anymore.

what boggles my mind most is that the long anticipated album...the holy grail of an Axl Rose fan is finally available and we're talking about fucking best buy ... there is so much shit goin on in nearly every track that i'm sure there is a million and one thing we can talk about...i tried with my disecting CD thread but nobody has bitten yet....maybe cuz i asked that there be no bitching about album sales in there 16

i mean seriously .... yeah the sales suck...we all get it, and we're jsut as bummed out as the next gnr fan...tiem to move on and get a bit constructive with our critisism...

maybe even find some light at the end of the tunnel for this damned thing

personally i'm on your side madagas...i think its a bit early to claim the end....oops now there will be 10 more posts telling me why i'm wrong and that i live in La La Land 16

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Bono wrote:
killingvector wrote:

If you think that quality is measured by the number of units pushed then you really should be ranting on the Britney Spears board.

btw, your spelling still needs work, as does your prose. Plus I never read your album review nor do I have an inclination to.

For real? Dude I may have spelling errors which to be honest are 99% simple typeo's but you really have a reading comprehension issue. At what point did I ever say quality is measured by units pushed? 
  Had the sales been impressive you as well as others would flip this thing on it's head and be using units pushed as a measure of quality saying Axl has conquered the world. Everyone loves it, look how much it sold. The music speaks for itself. As it stands though sales are low and the music simply hasn't been given a  chance cause who in their right mind would reject such an album if they heard it? Who could possibly dislike this thing? You must see how empty your arguement is here. No?  Go ahead love the album but stop acting like the world doesn't even know it's out.  Excuses man. They get pretty fucking old after a while.  How is it possibel that the low sales have everything to do with anything BUT the music?  I get it you love it. Some do but most average Joes  won't. I've loved many albums that didn't sell. Doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to think it's just because nobody got a chance to hear it or they didn't give it a fair chance. What? like if everyone had a chance to listen to it  they'd buy it? Or do they have to let it digest over a  dozen or so listens? That shit sounds like poor sports. Boo fucking hoo!

Also good to know you haven't read my album review nor do you have any inclination  to do so. I guess from now on you can stop spouting off about stuff(my opinions on the album) which you obviously no nothing about.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Bono wrote:
Neemo wrote:

...i think its a bit early to claim the end....oops now there will be 10 more posts telling me why i'm wrong and that i live in La La Land 16

You're in La La Land Neemo! 16 At least if you think this isn't the end for Chinese Democracy the album. This album is over. No video, no tour, no interview, no killer single(they don't have one) saves it now.

Like I said a few days ago. People just have to like this for themselves cause thats' all there is. No sense in puting any expectations on it now.

 Rep: 21 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Bono wrote:

At what point did I ever say quality is measured by units pushed?

U2 has a name, U2 has selling power but people didn't like what they heard from the Pop album so not nearly as many purchased it as your regular U2 album. Chinese Democracy is no fucking different. People haven't liked what they've heard so people aren't gonna buy it.

Had the sales been impressive you as well as others would flip this thing on it's head and be using units pushed as a measure of quality saying

So you are criticizing me for something that haven't done?

The music speaks for itself. As it stands though sales are low and the music simply hasn't been given a  chance cause who in their right mind would reject such an album if they heard it? Who could possibly dislike this thing?

There are many factors at play here, from a lackluster promotion campaign, silence from the band and its leader, to a negative public perception of the current GnR brand.

I get it you love it. Some do but most average Joes  won't. I've loved many albums that didn't sell. Doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to think it's just because nobody got a chance to hear it or they didn't give it a fair chance. What? like if everyone had a chance to listen to it  they'd buy it? Or do they have to let it digest over a  dozen or so listens? That shit sounds like poor sports. Boo fucking hoo!

Everything is black and white with you yet your express yourself with the vulgarity of a sailor. Again, many factors at play here yet you continue to harp that this album has been rejected based on quality. I disagree and think there are many other problems affecting this record's performance.

Also good to know you haven't read my album review nor do you have any inclination  to do so. I guess from now on you can stop spouting off about stuff(my opinions on the album) which you obviously no nothing about.

Your 'review' oozes from every rant you post here.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Bono wrote:
killingvector wrote:
Bono wrote:

At what point did I ever say quality is measured by units pushed?

U2 has a name, U2 has selling power but people didn't like what they heard from the Pop album so not nearly as many purchased it as your regular U2 album. Chinese Democracy is no fucking different. People haven't liked what they've heard so people aren't gonna buy it.

Wow. You are a piece of work. Let me see, so now maybe you agree that people haven't liked what they've heard off Chinese Democracy so they didn't buy it. Gee that'd have something to do with the music no? So now you wanna say units sold is a measure of quality? the album hasn't sold casue people don't liek it? Ummm.... That's one of the reasons I've mentioned. You're agreeing with me here.  Holy shit.  Not once did I say units pushed is a measure of quality when it comes to your own opinion on music. Read my comments about The Nationl. You seriously need help with this don't you? I can't believe you actually quoted me there thinking it helps your point.

killingvector wrote:
Bono wrote:

Had the sales been impressive you as well as others would flip this thing on it's head and be using units pushed as a measure of quality saying

killingvector wrote:

So you are criticizing me for something that haven't done?

Yup I am. You know full well what I'm saying. But as usual you beat around the bush and avoid the actual point of the comment.

killingvector wrote:
Bono wrote:

The music speaks for itself. As it stands though sales are low and the music simply hasn't been given a  chance cause who in their right mind would reject such an album if they heard it? Who could possibly dislike this thing?

killingvector wrote:

There are many factors at play here, from a lackluster promotion campaign, silence from the band and its leader, to a negative public perception of the current GnR brand.

And lets' not forget the music itself. See what I'm getting at? I've already agreed with the things you listed but you can't seem to accept the music itself plays a part. How very FANBOY of you.

killingvector wrote:
Bono wrote:

I get it you love it. Some do but most average Joes  won't. I've loved many albums that didn't sell. Doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to think it's just because nobody got a chance to hear it or they didn't give it a fair chance. What? like if everyone had a chance to listen to it  they'd buy it? Or do they have to let it digest over a  dozen or so listens? That shit sounds like poor sports. Boo fucking hoo!

killingvector wrote:

Everything is black and white with you yet your express yourself with the vulgarity of a sailor. Again, many factors at play here yet you continue to harp that this album has been rejected based on quality. I disagree and think there are many other problems affecting this record's performance.

The difference between you and I is I also believe there are many other factors at play  yet I'm not so God damn stubborn as to not aknowledge that the music is one of those factors. Your'e acting like if everyone listend to the album and let it digest they'd all love it. Newsflash buddy, this album is not apealing to the masses. In a way I'd think you'd take that as a compliment but deep down it seems sales matter to you. You just don't want to say it.

killingvector wrote:
Bono wrote:

Also good to know you haven't read my album review nor do you have any inclination  to do so. I guess from now on you can stop spouting off about stuff(my opinions on the album) which you obviously no nothing about.

killingvector wrote:

Your 'review' oozes from every rant you post here.

how'bout you read it and then form your opinion. I mean you seem to think you're an educated guy so educate yourself on what I actually thought of the album instead of responding to my posts as if I was here to spam, hate and troll.  If I remember correctly I think a few people actually said my review was surprisingly positive for an Axl  hate mongering asshole such as myself.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

^yes buzzsaw but the music speaks for itself even if the sales dont support it....

Hell i'm a big megadeth fan...their latest album sold 46,000....and its fucking great, and i dont need anyone to tell me that the band is shit because of poor sales...dave mustaine is a guitar god...axl is similar...hes a master rock singer...if the average guy doesnt care for the new cd...thats fine with me...less chance of me getting sick of hearing tunes on teh radio

however i am not so blind to see that this showing may be bad for any future albums that may (or may not) see the light of day from this current band (whoever may be in it)

so in a way i agree with brighteyes....but i also understand that a band like GnR needs the backing of a label an with alot of $$$...without that backing it may be hard to keep the lineup togehter if any of the rumored salaries and production costs are true....ther eis no way that Axl will be able to fund an album like CD again......which isnt necessarily a bad thing

Axlin08 wrote:

If you love Guns so much, you can't help but to wonder what's next. The three R's are the only thing on tap.

1) Rockalohoma

2) Reunion

3) Retirement

you forgot #4....which is prolly the most realistic

4) Ram - saturate the market with new gnr material...if there are 3 or 4 albums of material finished then they release it all...ram it down the public's throats until something sticks...

Good point, but they'd need Axl's full cooperation to pull that off, and at this point, I highly doubt they'll get anything from him.

 Rep: 21 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Bono wrote:
killingvector wrote:
Bono wrote:

At what point did I ever say quality is measured by units pushed?

U2 has a name, U2 has selling power but people didn't like what they heard from the Pop album so not nearly as many purchased it as your regular U2 album. Chinese Democracy is no fucking different. People haven't liked what they've heard so people aren't gonna buy it.

Wow. You are a piece of work. Let me see, so now maybe you agree that people haven't liked what they've heard off Chinese Democracy so they didn't buy it. Gee that'd have something to do with the music no? So now you wanna say units sold is a measure of quality? the album hasn't sold casue people don't liek it? Ummm.... That's one of the reasons I've mentioned. You're agreeing with me here.  Holy shit.  Not once did I say units pushed is a measure of quality when it comes to your own opinion on music. Read my comments about The Nationl. You seriously need help with this don't you? I can't believe you actually quoted me there thinking it helps your point.

I directly quoted you because you claimed not to say what you directly said in that quoted passage.

Yup I am. You know full well what I'm saying. But as usual you beat around the bush and avoid the actual point of the comment.

Go ahead and scold me for not paying the electric bill on time next month too while you are at it. Save me some grief.

And lets' not forget the music itself. See what I'm getting at? I've already agreed with the things you listed but you can't seem to accept the music itself plays a part. How very FANBOY of you.

I agree that some people rejected the music. Does that help?

But it is not the whole story.

The difference between you and I is I also believe there are many other factors at play  yet I'm not so God damn stubborn as to not aknowledge that the music is one of those factors. Your'e acting like if everyone listend to the album and let it digest they'd all love it. Newsflash buddy, this album is not apealing to the masses. In a way I'd think you'd take that as a compliment but deep down it seems sales matter to you. You just don't want to say it.

I acknowledge that the quality of the music may be a factor in some listeners' eyes. But again I don't think that is the bigger factor.

how'bout you read it and then form your opinion. I mean you seem to think you're an educated guy so educate yourself on what I actually thought of the album instead of responding to my posts as if I was here to spam, hate and troll.  If I remember correctly I think a few people actually said my review was surprisingly positive for an Axl  hate mongering asshole such as myself.

I am quite dellusioned about my own education honestly.

I just read your synopsis in the other thread and it wasn't very positive.

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