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Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

We simply don't know what their status is right now with the label because we don't know what the negotiations were to get Chinese released and we don't know what the negotiations were that Merck alluded to and Axl alluded to in Dec 2006. They could have ended their deal, begun a new one....we have no idea.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

monkeychow wrote:
russtcb wrote:

That's my worry at this point. For whatever reason it would appear Axl has washed his hands of this. Which is really a shame if so for many reasons. Not the least of which is the fact that it's really an awesome album.

I agree.

But...Perhaps there is a method in the madness.

I'm going to speculate wildly. And for the record i'm totally making this up as a daydream...

Maybe he puts this album out there, he get's his $14 million from best buy - so financially he doesn't need the album to peform well, by not giving interviews he not only doesn't have to go through the stress that interactions with media causes him, but he keeps an aura of mystery in his image which allows for promotion to the hardcore fan base of future products and also maintains an element of a mental "escape hatch" escuse if GNR crashes.

You don't have to worry that people might have judged your songs badly if you can say to yourself that they didn't buy the record because you didn't promote it. It gives ownership over the unownable mentally. (for the record I think the songs are great. I'm just saying - working at something for 14 years then being told its good or bad would be scary).

Meanwhile he could take a break to celebrate, find a replacement for robin, continue work on other works in the vault. And then make a media splash in 2009 or 2010 (or latter if with new material) with a new variation of the new lineups and just re-boot things. The media can then treat him like they did in 2006 as a "crazy recluse goes public" type stories that while a little "axl is odd" were generally excited and favourable about his return. The poor sales of CD would be a throw-away tag line at the end of an article - the same way any current article in 2006 or now says a line like "Axl who is controverisal front man and the last remaining member of the original GNR" type lines that are always in stuff.

The media loves a good comeback story. Imagine this in 2010..something like "GNR who's last album Chinese Democracy suffered disapointing sales results after making fans wait for 15 years, made a surprise apearance on (insert TV show) last night. Controversial front man and notorious recluse Axl rose,  who hasn't given an interview in 3 years said the band will now (insert whatever)".

I'm not saying it will happen. But there isn't really any reason it couldn't.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

war wrote:

i don't see a new lineup, other than the original, changing anything. vr has more of an "all star" line-up and that hasn't done them any good. it's one of those things where ya just can't go back once you're as big as original gnr. it's too bad for axl because cd/new gnr deserves more attention/respect than it is getting IMO since, clearly, a lot of work went into this music and it shows (whether you like it or not). the same feelings go out to slash, matt, and duff but i think VR sales are more appropriate with the quality of the music they produced. it's too bad artists can't expand or spread out without losing fans but the reality is, people are afraid of change when it comes to their favorite bands.

i'm not saying they don't miss slash on the guitar either.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

BLS-Pride wrote:

He should break his silence with an album of better material and if there isn't one don't come back til he has one or call some old friends.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

war wrote:

what would make it better, BLS-Pride?

 Rep: 212 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

BLS-Pride wrote:
war wrote:

what would make it better, BLS-Pride?

Better songs. Song's that make you say hot damn that's fucking badass. And not just a few like on Chinese Democracy. I love the album but I feel with the people he hired through out the years there has to be better songs waiting to be unleashed. Enough with the broken heart soundtrack.. Let's turn up the heat and and unleash some rock n roll.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

war wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:
war wrote:

what would make it better, BLS-Pride?

Better songs. Song's that make you say hot damn that's fucking badass. And not just a few like on Chinese Democracy. I love the album but I feel with the people he hired through out the years there has to be better songs waiting to be unleashed. Enough with the broken heart soundtrack.. Let's turn up the heat and and unleash some rock n roll.

i would like that as well but if you cut the album in half with the heavier songs in one category and the softer ones in the other, which half is better? to me, the ballads are better songs by a landslide.

the question then becomes is that because axl is older and that is what is in his heart now or because he wrote most of these songs/lyrics in a smaller timeframe when that was what was in his heart and has since wrote some awesome rockers that we haven't yet heard.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Neemo wrote:

the ballads are pussy shit, and the "rockers" on CD are relatively tame

BLS is talkin some kick ass rocknroll wink

 Rep: 88 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Gunslinger wrote:

...that is what I was hoping for but unfortunately there wasn't much to satisfy!  Good point BLS about the Broken Heart Soundtrack.  That's fine for a FEW songs but bust out some kick ass rockers for us as well.  For fuck's sake you had BUCKETHEAD and you can't blast out a couple more?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

He should break his silence with an album of better material and if there isn't one don't come back til he has one or call some old friends.

I think that's a more accurate statement, than even you think.

I think that's the exact reason for the current situation. He knows now, don't call back until you bring Slash & co. with you. Until then, the U.S. just gave him the bird basically.

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