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Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

Sky Dog wrote:

don't over play your hand Buzz.....

 Rep: 633 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 268 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

Olorin wrote:
D-Machine wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:
D-Machine wrote:

So u guys don't think I became an ass kisser?

Seriously though, I got caught up in the moment.

Haha a little but it's not like I blame ya, I'd have been the same, you were talking to Axl Rose, it's not an every day thing. I did laugh at one of your questions though 'Axl what would you consider a true GNR fan?' Lol it would have put the cat among the pigeons if he'd answered that one 16

A little dig at Jarmo

Hey, I couldn't completely sell out!

If you really wanted to dig him you should have said "fan", and what I mean by "fan" is:

"Main Entry: 1fan 
Pronunciation: \ˈfan\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fann, from Latin vannus — more at winnow
Date: before 12th century
1: any of various devices for winnowing grain
2: an instrument for producing a current of air: as a: a device that is held in the hand and moved back and forth to cool a person and that is usually shaped like a segment of a circle and composed of material (as feathers or paper) mounted on thin rods or slats moving about a pivot so that the device may be closed compactly when not in use b: a device that consists of a series of vanes radiating from a hub rotated on its axle by a motor cslang : an airplane propeller
3 a: something resembling an open fan b: a gently sloping fan-shaped body of detritus ; especially : alluvial fan
— fan·like  \-ˌlīk\ adjective "

Seems to me that "these so called fans..." -  dont know a current of air from a series of vanes radiating from a hub.


 Rep: 30 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

sandman wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
sandman wrote:

all the people that have been predicting a prolonged "quiet period," no Better video, and the end of the CD era sure have egg on their face today.

alot of good information was provided....

1. Axl isn't just going away.
2. touring is in the plans.
3. Axl views CD as a double album, and there is at least a chance it could be released as early as Fall 2009.
4. Better video is coming in a week.
5. promotion will be stepped up.
6. Axl was not happy with the booklet, art, and promotional plans.

Uhh, I wouldn't go out and start RSVP'ing man...

No offense to Axl, cause shit does happen, but keep in mind we HAVE heard "next summer", "finishing touches", "out by the end of the year", "people will hear new music this year", "March 6, 2007"...

I'm not saying he's a liar, but stuff can happen, and when it does I hope people turn around and say "that's how it goes", not another 10 years of page after page of how much of an egg suckin' chicken stealin' liar he is.

Don't start counting those chickens before they hatch, just yet.

RSVP'ing for what??? not sure what your point is. Axl didn't say anything was set in stone, nor did i imply it either.

but i can see you're taking less of a negative stance today compared to the last couple weeks.

didn't you recently say if there was a video for better we'd have seen it already? 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

Axlin16 wrote:

Next week ain't here yet.

I'll gladly down my crow with a knife and fork next week, if it comes true. We all can only benefit by it coming to fruition.

 Rep: 423 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
russtcb wrote:

I think the question was "name one". I mean honestly, who have you heard of that took questions from two different forums (not to mention in the middle of the night)?

Rob Thomas and the rest of Matchbox Twenty.

I'm a fan of Rob and Matchbox and I'd never heard of that. Not saying it hasn't happened, just saying I've never heard about it.

Go visit their website (unless they changed it - haven't been there for awhile) and you'll see all kinds of fan interaction.  Direct conversations.  Information about the band and what's going on when the other guitarist left.

 Rep: 423 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:

don't over play your hand Buzz.....

Don't worry about me - I'm right at an alarming rate.

 Rep: 287 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

Aussie wrote:

D - I think your reaction was indicative of a lot of peoples feelings.  What Axl has done I think has gained him a lot of respect and turned around a lot of people that were really starting to doubt.  I imagine he probably looks back and wonders if he should have perhaps reached out like this a little earlier.

For a relatively simple goodwill gesture like this it actually has a lot of mileage.  More so than if he had broken his silence with a magazine article.  This was a direct line of communication to the hardcore fan base and I commend him for that.

just me 2cents

 Rep: 633 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: AXL Posting on GNR Forums!

faldor wrote:

He did say it would happen again, sooner than we might think.  Didn't he?

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