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#1 Re: The Sunset Strip » Most Recent Horror Movie You've Seen.... » 823 weeks ago

Death Proof. Leave it to Tarantino to turn a creepy premise into some sort of girl power cartoon. 17

#2 Re: The Sunset Strip » Best TV Horror Series » 823 weeks ago

Only ever saw a couple episodes of Twilight Zone, so I can't really speak to it. "Tales from the Crypt" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" were probably my favorites, although I quit watching Buffy during season 4. Either because it went downhill or that I was tired of lying about what I was doing at 9pm. 16

#3 Re: The Sunset Strip » The SAW Thread » 823 weeks ago

I thought Saw was mediocre and II was actually pretty good. I ended up giving up after III when it seemed like any elements of story had been cut out to make room for more "wasn't that a kool death?" scenes. I didn't like that a lot of the traps were becoming impossible to get out of either - sort of went against the whole original idea didn't it?

But I commend the director for getting rich by making the same movie over and over again.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Chart Positions Thread » 823 weeks ago

I'm not going to dwell on the sales too much, as long as it isn't the kiss of death for any possible future material. I mean, I like Billy Idol...but I'm not mortified that "Devil's Playground" didn't move as many units as "Rebel Yell."

With that said I don't think that CD should have had problems selling 500k first week if either the band or the exclusive retailer had shown any interest in promoting it. Maybe awareness was high enough, but that's not the same thing as hype. Metallica had the whole "back to basics" angle, while AC/DC had a groovy lead single and a poster above every Wal Mart underwear rack. CD had an underwhelming single that seemed to be chosen because of its name and...some soda pop name dropping.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » What song(s) have grown on you the most? » 823 weeks ago

I was pretty "Meh" about Shackler's Revenge when it was first leaked, but now it's my favorite rocker on the album. I really get into the tribal grunting. 16

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Elimination Round 1 » 823 weeks ago

Madagascar. There are parts of the song that I like, but the (seemingly) 20 minutes of quotes just kill it halfway.

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